DEDICATED teachers at Frodsham High had to contact some of their high-flying students via phone and fax because the lucky three were on holiday.

Zoe Spendlove, on holiday in Tenerife, gained five A-levels; Laura Edwards, who has emigrated to Canada gained 4 A-levels and John Revill, who is visiting his mum in France gained three A/S levels.

Dave Bullock, deputy head said his staff team had been busy making the international calls.

He said: "Most of the children who've done really well are abroad so we've spent the morning phoning or faxing them their results.

"After GCSEs a lot of our students go on to Sir John Deane's but our grades here were as good as we expected and most will go on to some form of further or higher education."

Ryan Carmichael, of Overton, did not pass his A-levels but says the experience has motivated him to work harder in the future.

He said: "It's taught me that I should have got my nose down and started doing some work earlier on.

"In business studies I can answer all the questions in class but I just can't apply myself to revision.

"Right now I'm just looking for any job but I'd really like to work in job caring for children.

"I always enjoy babysitting my cousin's children. Hopefully in a year or two I'll go back to college and train in pre-school care or something."