PRESIDENT Daphne Hawker welcomed everyone to the July meeting of the Inner Wheel Club. She will be going to the district chairman's home to meet other club presidents. She attended the club officers' assembly, and the district chairman's charity this year will be CLAPA, the Cleft Lip and Palate Association. Daphne hopes to be able to send a donation this year. The association charity this year is for cystic fibrosis.

Club overseas officer, Sue Gidney, also attended the officer's assembly and met the new district overseas officer, Pam Boyes. The District Overseas Rally is on October 9, and Sue will ask the Rotary Club of Northwich if Inner Wheel can help with its Christmas shoe boxes this year.

Daphne then introduced the speaker Sarah Kelly who gave an inspiring talk about the Neuromuscular Centre in Winsford. She and Kate Fox started this venture 13 years ago and she explained how it has expanded and now provides a unique facility for those affected with all forms of muscular dystrophy. She hoped that members would come down to the centre and see what they do. Hilary Marsh thanked her. The Neuromuscular Centre is the president's charity this year.

The next meeting will be on September 18 at Hartford Village Hall.