At the July meeting of the Moulton WI, 25 members created some excellent work under the watchful eyes of Derek Harley who gave a demonstration of five different crafts, which members completed using their own choices of colours and styles. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the experience with many exceeding their own expectations. Jill Newsom gave Derek a warm vote of thanks for a wonderful evening.

On July 12 members ran a successful cake stall at the Moulton school fun day and on the same day Margaret Godfrey, Margaret Atherton, Kath Knight and Margaret Hale represented Cheshire WI at bowls, which they won against Wales WI.

Members are looking forward to an outing in August when they plan to visit the Lowry Centre and Salford Quays.

September 8 will be the date of the next meeting that will commence at 7.30pm in the Methodist Hall, Moulton, when Gordon Jay will give a talk on theatre and show business. The competition will be for the oldest theatre programme. Visitors and new members are always welcome.