WE are residents of Birches Lane, Lostock Green and wish to distance ourselves from the views expressed in a letter from Clr David Rouse, published in last week's Guardian.

Living, as he does, in one of the quiet backwaters of the village, he is obviously blissfully unaware of the vast improvement in the quality of life to Birches Lane residents brought about by the closure of the A556 central gap.

It is very commendable of Clr Rouse to offer his services to Lostock Gralam Parish Council.

However, we would remind him that, although he is not our elected representative, his position demands that views of ALL Lostock Green residents be taken into consideration.

The matter of the A556-Birches Lane junction has been subject of debate and argument for well over a decade.

No matter what solution is implemented, it will never gain the whole-hearted support of all residents.


The present solution is the safest and least objectionable.

We would suggest to the members of Lostock Gralam Parish Council that if they fail to move on and accept the present situation, they are going to look churlish in the eyes of the outside world.

They should now focus on other matters.


Lostock Green


Editor's note: This letter has been signed by 102 residents of Birches Lane.

We have been asked to point out that in the letter from parish councillor David Rouse published in the Guardian last week, he made reference to 'anonymous' residents of Birches Lane.

Residents of Birches Lane have contacted us to say that the fact they were not named in previous news stories and readers' letter does not mean they wish to hide behind a cloak of anonymity and were all happy to sign their names to a letter of rebuttal, stating their case regarding the closure of the A556 gap.

The Guardian feels that correspondence regarding this issue has now run its course.