TRADE delegates from China have popped into the Co-op in Lowton for a little homespun advice about getting ahead in retail.

Members of the China Federation of Supply and Marketing Co-operatives made the Late Shop in Church Street one of their stops as part of a UK tour to learn more about shopping techniques.

United Co-op chiefs say the aim of the tour was for the Chinese visitors to gain a greater understanding of the co-operative system and familiarise themselves with how they operate, see what stores are like and experience the "shopping atmosphere."

One of the guests, Zhang Wang-shu, said: "The store looks great. I really like how light it is, how roomy and the pleasant atmosphere.

"We have gained a great deal of information from out visit to Lowton which I am planning to pass on to other colleagues on my return to China."

Store manager Nick Bullough welcomed Zhou Shengtao, the federation's first vice president, along with fellow delegates.

The Lowton store already has a fine pedigree - last year it was named as the country's best convenience outlet by an industry magazine.