The wedding has taken place at St Elphin's Parish Church of 25-year-old Mr Mark Leigh Dillon, only son of Mr Vincent and Mrs Jean Dillon of Petersham Drive, Appleton, and 28-year-old Miss Sarah Louise Card, only daughter of Mr James Alan and Mrs Ann Card of Epping Drive, Woolston.

Best man was Mr Rupert Garnett, and ushers were Mr Simon Card, bride's brother, and Mr Robert Hazell. Chief bridesmaid was Miss Charlotte Crowther, matron of honour was Mrs Elizabeth Goodyear, and bridesmaid was Miss Deborah Dillon, bridegroom's sister.

The bridegroom is an inter-agency executive for Securicor Justice Services, and the bride is a teacher at St Philip's Westbrook CE Primary School.

A reception was held at the Hanover International Hotel, Stretton.

The couple spent their honeymoon in the Maldives.