DANGEROUS levels of smog hung over Newton during the heat wave, breaking Government health limits.

Last week's sultry Saturday sent pollution levels spiralling in Newton, with the town one of just five UK locations, along with Bournemouth and Portsmouth, that doubled the recommended health standard.

And Newton made the list of top 25 UK locations smashing through recommended ozone levels every day during last week's scorcher.

Analysis from Friends of the Earth showed Newton's high ozone readings were bad for asthma sufferers. The high levels increased the likelihood of coughing and choking, headaches, throat irritation and chest discomfort.

Tony Bosworth, from Friends of the Earth, said Government research had shown the smog pollution had already caused up to 12,000 premature deaths this year.

"We would advise people to drive their cars less and use public transport.

If a child is an asthma sufferer, I would suggest keeping them indoors."

Ozone pollution, or summertime smog, is highest at this time of the year and tends to be more common near rural areas.

Mr Bosworth said: "Our record-breaking sunshine has brought a lot of smog, breaching health standards nationwide. And because of the way ozone pollution travels, people who tried to escape the heat of our cities for a breath of fresh air will have found they got just the opposite.

"The Government must do more to tackle the source of the pollution cutting the amount of traffic on our roads.

"Widening motorways won't help us breathe more easily."