VANDALS who went on the rampage at Mesnes Park in Newton this week have been condemned by St Helens Council.

Councillors were outraged to learn that ten young trees planted just two months ago were ripped up and the park gates vandalised on Monday night.

The gates were taken off their hinges and left on the floor and damage was also done to other shrubs.

The park was recently revamped by the council in a £1 million plus scheme and won a prestigious green flag award.

Clr Mike Doyle, executive member for environmental protection said: "The council will not tolerate such vandalism by a few selfish individuals. I am absolutely outraged by this mindless behaviour.

"We are determined to get to the bottom of it."

The renovation was funded by various sources, including the Sports Lottery Fund, Newton 21 Single Regeneration Budget and the council.

Improvements to the park have been carried out since 1996 with the provision of lit footpaths and cycle routes, a children's play area, woodland planting and general improvements to the entrance.

The council is working with Merseyside Police who are studying CCTV camera footage to try to track down the culprits.