NEWTON MP Dave Watts has voiced his concerns that the people of the north west are not being taken seriously and has urged for them to vote in favour of a regional assembly.

In recent years the north west has failed to effectively lobby on issues that affect the region's economic performance and Mr Watts believes that the only way to improve is to introduce a north west assembly.

A regional assembly would give the north west a strong voice to match the other regions that already have them. It gives people the opportunity to influence issues that are relevant to them.

The Government plans to decentralise power from Whitehall to the regions and Mr Watts is convinced that local people are capable of making decisions at a local level.

The proposal gives north west people an opportunity to return their democratic powers and will create an assembly that will run local services such as education and social services.

The Government is due to put forward its proposal for a regional assembly over the next few weeks and Mr Watts believes that the people of the north west should unite in their support of them.