FIREFIGHTERS from across the north west were called to a major fire in Warrington today, Friday, which could be seen across the town.

Fire crews from Cheshire, Greater Manchester and Merseyside were called to ADY Pallets on Antrim Road at 1pm to deal with the fire.

Black smoke poured from the pallet yard as 15 fire engines desperately tried to control the blaze that was threatening to impinge on the Eddie Stobart Warehouse.

A spokesman for Birchwood fire station said the danger of explosion was very high as the neighbouring warehouse was stocked with firelighters.

The pall of smoke was visible for miles around.

Vehicles had to be dragged out of the area and leftover cylinders had to be cooled down to avoid any blasts.

Added the spokesman: "We put a water curtain down between the fire and the warehouse while other teams, inside the warehouse, were keeping things cool."

The fire has now been extinguished but there are still four fire crews at the pallet yard damping down the area and cooling cylinders.

Environment Agency officials were also on hand to assist fire officers with advice on the large volumes of smoke being emitted from the site.

The cause of the fire is unknown.