WARRINGTON Anglers' Association's Grey Mist is certainly fishing well for member James Taylor.

He has taken 18 carp this week with five of them being over the 20lbs mark and one specimen of 26lbs 8ozs 0drms.

The successful method was a fruit-flavoured boilie fished surface style.

An organised junior coaching event took place on Town Park lake in Runcorn on Sunday where non-anglers along with the less experienced were taught by national accredited angling coaches.

It is intended to restore this lake to its former glory with a carefully managed restoration plan.

Some work has already taken place with the removal of weed with the help of people in the area.

Volunteers are still required to progress this project. Anyone interested should contact headquarters.

Despite the low water levels on the River Ribble, the sport has been reasonable with Kenny Jones taking three barbel from 8lbs to 10lbs 6ozs along with chub to 5lbs 8ozs.

Reports have been received about the capture of a zander from the River Dee.

This is somewhat disturbing for the local ecological system as the zander, which is a ferocious predator, is not indigenous to the river and must have been introduced illegally.

If any angler catches one of these fish please retain it alive and inform the fisheries division of the Environment Agency in order that arrangements may be made to collect the fish.

The Bridgewater Canal is fishing well at present with good bags of roach and bream being taken.

Saturday saw a full house of juniors line the banks of Ackers Pit to partake in the annual NatWest Trophy competition. Refreshments and prizes were given to everyone taking part.

Warrington Anglers' junior section is vibrant and successful with many juniors taking part in well organised competitions each week and in national competitions throughout the country.

These events and coaching sessions have to be planned, organised and policed by somebody. This success is largely due to the dedication and commitment of our junior organiser, his group of volunteers from parents, national coaches and not forgetting the enthusiasm of the juniors themselves. If there are people out there willing to pass their skills and time on to the junior section, contact our Parker Street headquarters.

Chris Grehan

Results: Honorary and OAPs: 1, Alf Seddon, 2-3-1; 2, Reg Williams, 1-9-6; 3, Bill Shaw, 1-9-3. Women: 1, Bev Smith, 4-8-0; 2, Lyn Lawton, 3-13-0; 3, Pam Wyatt, 2-5-0; 4, Linda Lythgoe, 2-3-12. Disabled and Over 60s: 1, Eddie Cook, 11-0-0; 2, Jeff Clare, 4-5-0; 3, Doug Greenhalgh, 4-2-0; Alf Seddon, 4-2-0.