VICTORIA Park completed a superb double in Warrington Public Parks' League's Guardian Challenge Cup and Supplementary Cup finals on Sunday.

The first team defeated Newtown 228-224 in the Challenge Cup showdown, even with an 18 chalks handicap against them.

Victoria Two defeated Bank Park Two B 215-199, again despite giving away an 18-chalk start, to lift the Supplementary Cup.

The two finals were held simultaneously on Hood Lane greens.

There were six winners for each side in the Challenge Cup finale but higher value wins by the Victoria players took them to glory.

They were led home by K. Skelhorn's man of the match 21-11 performance against D. Drinkwater and it was needed after Newton had won the first two games via J. Nolan, 21-12 and J. Heald, 21-19.

Big wins by D. Nevitt, 21-8 and B. Lappin, 21-8, proved crucial in Park's success.

Victoria Two had seven winners in the Supplementary Cup climax, the best of whom was J. Delooze, who defeated N. Woodward 21-3.

Bank Park's best winner was man of the match K. Glover, who defeated M. Edwards 21-7.