HOUSE builders who have earmarked Biddulph for a major new estate face opposition from planners.

Charlton Homes wants to build 59 homes on the site of a former vehicle body building workshop and bus depot.

The land at Walley Street has been vacant since being used by a coach body building company.

Charlton said the development would meet local housing needs, and provide a significant amount of affordable housing.

The company added that the loss of an employment site was outweighed by the positive benefits of the proposed residential development, and Biddulph has a 133-year supply of available industrial land.

Nine letters were sent to the district council supporting the Charlton scheme.

They said Biddulph had ample industrial sites, many of which were lying vacant, and suitably-priced property would be of huge value to the area.

To save the land for industrial development would be flying in the face of common sense, they said, and the former bus depot was in need of a new lease of life.

However the scheme is being opposed by planners, who are recommending that planning permission be refused.

The housing development was unacceptable in principle, they said, being contrary to the provisions of the adopted Moorlands Local Plan.

The development would lead to a loss of employment land as designated in the plan, they said.

They added that the Walley Street-Congleton Road junction had poor visibility in both directions for drivers leaving the site.

District councillors are to discuss the Charlton scheme this week.