DETECTIVES are urging members of the public to be on their guard for callers to their homes.

The appeal follows the theft of cash from a house in Congleton by a man while his accomplice kept the householder occupied.

A man called at a house in Sefton Avenue at 2pm last Wednesday saying he was working locally, and had to complete maintenance work on the water supply.

He went into the kitchen, where he remained for 15 minutes before leaving.

A second man is believed to have gained access to the house without the occupant's knowledge, and stole cash.

"The theft is one of a number of similar incidents recently in which the thieves pose as work men or water board officials," said PC Paul Jones from Congleton CID.

"They will usually state you have a problem with your water supply, and ask to accompany you and turn on your kitchen taps.

"We are urging local residents to take extreme care when allowing people access into their homes.

"Check for suitable identification, and if you are not sure do not allow them in, and close the door."

The man who was allowed in is white, 20 to 30 years old, five feet three inches tall, slim, with medium brown hair worn in a short back and sides style.

He was clean shaven, had a local accent, and wore a dark long sleeved top, black leather gloves and dark trousers.

Anyone with information on the theft please ring Congleton CID on 01244-613537.