DONKEYS, deckchairs, sticks of rock and colourful boats re-created a forgotten seaside - in Widnes.

A fun-filled carnival was held to celebrate the centenary of West Bank promenade.

"It was absolutely fantastic," said events organiser Pam Wallace. "Everyone pulled together. The area has become united, we've got our community spirit back."

Around 2,000 visitors strolled along the prom on Sunday, in the footsteps of Victorians who used to come to 'take the air' and sit on the beach!

Jazz musicians, Punch and Judy, Irish dancers and old tyme music hall singers entertained spectators, relaxing in deckchairs. A falconry display, craft marquee, car boot sale and flower festival proved very popular.

Fun and laughter filled the air as children jostled for first place in a sack race and three-legged run.

A flotilla of decorated boats sailed out from Spike Island - for the first time ever.

"It was very moving, there were tears in people's eyes," said Pam. "West Bank Boat Club has done us proud."

Volunteers spent the past 12 months meticulously planning the event with help and support from fundraisers, Halton Council, the police and fire.

"It was a lot of hard work, but the results have made it well worth it," said Pam.

"It wouldn't have happened without our funders. It's been a huge group effort."

Community Chest, Awards for All and Halton Council funded the event.