MOST people spend their childhood dreaming of becoming a superhero. Some want super strength and x-ray vision like Superman while others imagine what it would be like to climb walls and spin webs, a la Spider-Man.

But for one Warrington man, the life of a comic book superhero is a reality - as Paul Freeman is Hawkman.

By day, 29-year-old Paul works at the Worlds Apart comic book store in Liverpool city centre. But by night he is Hawkman, the Winged Warrior.

Hawkman is a character from US giants DC Comics, who brought us Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, and fans have been enjoying the latest adventures of DC Universe's much-loved inhabitant.

Paul, of Helmsley Close, poses for photographs as his alter ego.

These are then turned into comic book pictures by illustrator John Watson.

Paul, who has worked at Worlds Apart since 1997, said: "John used to come into the shop complaining about how difficult it was trying to find someone to pose as Hawkman for him.

"Friends and family would be interested until he mentioned that they would have to wear tight lycra shorts and trousers and they would say 'no thanks'.

A colleague mentioned me, saying that I do martial arts and keep myself trim and ever since then I've been working with John."

He added: "I really enjoy doing the photo shoots because it's great fun.

"I work in a comic book shop and it's a good buzz to pick up an issue that's got me on the front."

The artist, who lives in Norbreck in Blackpool, takes photographs of Paul once a month based on quick sketches that have been approved by DC Comics.

Thanks to digital cameras, the shoot is now a lot quicker than it used to be as John can see the photographs as he takes them.

Thirty-one-year-old John, who has a painting degree, said: "I've been working with Paul for a couple of years.

"And he first modelled as Hawkman when I was putting my portfolio together.

"I sent off lots of ideas and DC Comics commissioned the first Hawkman issue in December last year.

"We work together, with Paul acting out the various scenes while I direct him and take the photos.

"I've also done pictures of Spider-Man and the Incredible Hulk as well as Dare Devil, and recently I did the artwork for the Crow trading cards."

He added: "It's fantastic because I've grown up reading DC Comics and now I'm working for them!"