MAY I please respond to Andrew Tarr's letter 'Bridge won't stop congestion'?

There are certain points raised in his letter that was in response to mine that I would like to take issue with.

Firstly, he states that my letter was anonymous.

In my first letter to the World, I stated I leave the house at 9am every morning, so of course I wish for my name and address to be withheld.

Secondly, I am female, why is he automatically assuming I am a man?

Thirdly, he says I should move house.

I have lived in Widnes all my life (33 years).

My elderly parents live nearby and I have friends in the town and also partake in local social activities.

Why should I move home because of the situation on the bridge?

Do I not have a right to complain about the current conditions?

The simple answer is to move home, is it?

Why didn't I think of that before?

How simple that would be for me to up sticks and leave a place I call home and all my friends and family and parents who rely on me being close by.

Mr Tarr, why didn't I think of that sooner, what a wonderful idea?

Fourthly, he says I should change my job.

Without going into detail, there are certain personal reasons why it would be very difficult for me to move jobs and believe me, I have been looking for another job for a long time now.

I find it offensive to be called 'part of the problem'.

Surely I have a right to voice my opinion and hope for a better travel infrastructure for my town and the place I call home.

Name and address supplied