I WOULD like to reply to the bridge letters of August 13. The title 'no comparison' on the truck driver's letter is right.

You cannot compare the hustle and bustle of Birkenhead with the sleepy backwater town of Halton. That is why, to answer S Cartwright's letter, I chose to retire, to this sleepy backwater town.

The council's UDP plan is designed to encourage outsiders to move to Halton, to stop the death of the town.

You really need to work on your welcoming committee if you want more people to move here to stop the town dying.

Birkenhead does not have two tunnels.

To consider the Wallasey tunnel as a second Birkenhead tunnel is like calling Runcorn Bridge as one of Warrington's bridges.

With seven bridges over the Mersey at Warrington, we don't need another one in its rural suburb Runcorn.

I'm surprised the lorry driver doesn't consider the M53 motorway by Bidston Dock a main road, or the A41 road to London.

Halton has no roads to London.

The only bit of motorway that is in Halton is junction 12 of the M56, which is nowhere near the bridge.

Where are Halton's main roads if the M53 is not considered a main road? If Halton Council doesn't stop crying wolf all the time, then in the future, when it really needs a new bridge, the Government will ignore it.

B Cunningham, Widnes