NANTWICH'S historic Lamb Hotel will be transformed into luxury flats after planning chiefs gave the go ahead for an ambitious scheme on Tuesday.

As reported in last week's Guardian, the Grade II-listed building in Hospital Street has recently been the target of arsonists while deterioration during its disuse has reduced the Hotel to an eyesore over recent years.

Planning chiefs gave the green light to a project that will see the building extended and converted into 22 apartments and two ground floor restaurants that will finance the restoration of the main structure.

Thus an important historic landmark of the town will be saved.

A council spokesperson said: "It is anticipated that the accommodation within the extension will generate the necessary funding to enable the repair and strengthening of the frontages of The Lamb onto Hospital Street and Church Lane.

"The enabling development will therefore ensure the long term retention of this historic building."

English Heritage were among several to express concerns over the size of the three and four story extension particularly with it being in the vicinity of St Mary's Church.

Officers have stated that they held talks with the organisation to devise a scheme that preserves the hotel without harming the setting of the Grade I-listed parish church.

A local valuer has confirmed "that the scale of demolition and enabling development is justified if the scheme is to be viable."