I work and live in the Westbrook area and have observed the sub culture adopted by travellers.

My husband is a well-respected, self employed, taxpaying local contractor and has repeatedly been followed by these people who have approached his clients for work by intimating they are somehow associated with him.

I have watched them illegally open water hydrants and freely use the local water supply, flooding Easter Court in the process for several days.

I pay for my water through a meter.

Why should I also fund supplies for these people?

Asda supermarket has suffered theft of goods from the store, and the somewhat unorthodox use of their toilets for hairwashing (with shampoo stolen from the store). The toilets have been used by travelling women changing into stolen underwear, with their unwanted and soiled underwear having been left in the cubicles.

They pay no income tax, council tax, national insurance.

Why do they seem to feel so welcome in Warrington?

Why are we so ineffective at this particular aspect of pest control?

Disgusted Westbrook Resident

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