IN reply to the letter from the Great Sankey resident about travellers - we have suffered from travellers, particularly in summer time, for many years.

On each occasion they have landed in Whittle Hall, we have immediately notified the landowners, generally English Partnerships or the council, that these people have invaded our area. English Partnerships and the local authority have generally responded immediately to obtain orders from the court to move these people on.

We do our best to try to sort these matters as soon as we can. It is extremely frustrating for residents and ourselves that we are subjected to this problem year after year.

We do agree the most effective way of keeping these people from our areas would be if people did not use their services and so they would have no reason to descend upon us.

We give our assurances to the public that we will continue to do our best to evict these people as soon as we can.

If anyone spots these people, could they please contact us and we will try to get action taken forthwith.

Councillors John

Morris and Les Street

Representing Whittle

Hall Ward