I FEEL I must write to you regarding an article in the Guardian, August 7, headlined 'Walk Funds Top £20,000'.

This article refers to the rugby league trek including the walk from Warrington to Widnes. It mentions players and staff of Warrington Wolves who walked.

I would like these to be named because I was on the walk along with 50-plus fans dressed in the colours of the club, along with the drums.

Also there were two Widnes fans that walked from the Town Hall. One of the fans raised more than £400 and I raised almost £60 but not a mention of the fans in the article. Granted, Paul Cullen and Lee Briers were at the Town Hall along with one member of the staff, but none of them walked the walk.

I think there should be some recognition for the achievement of the loyal fans that gave up a morning to raise money for the worthy cause.


Name and address supplied

l Editor's note - the article was the most recent in a series of stories we have published on this fundraising walk led by Sky Sports commentators Phil Clarke and Mike 'Stevo' Stephenson. On this occasion there was not the space in three paragraphs to highlight individual walkers, but credit was given to all the trekkers.