CHRIS Tarrant move over - big cheques are now the responsibility of Halton MP Derek Twigg.

As a newly appointed Lords Commissioner, Mr Twigg signs cheques for millions of pounds on behalf of Tony Blair and the Government.

The ancient post dates back to 1660 and was introduced to relieve the Prime Minister and the Chancellor of the signing documents needing the Treasury's consent.

There are seven Lord Commissioners, who collectively govern the treasury.

The first is the Prime Minister, the second is the chancellor and the remaining five are Government whips, who encourage loyalty on the backbenches.

These days, the work of Lord Commissioners is mainly on the political side as whips.

Mr Twigg was appointed as junior whip last summer but was promoted in the cabinet reshuffle at the end of June.

He now gets to sign off Government money and has a Royal Warrant signed on behalf of the Queen to authorise it.

Mr Twigg said: "It's used for Government payments, they are like bankers orders, that sort of thing. It's for all kinds of things but I have only done one so far.

"You are a little bit apprehensive when you see how much money it is for. It's certainly more than I have ever signed for before - many millions more!"