POLICE are warning people not to neglect the security on older cars after a spate of thefts.

Crime reduction advisor, Phil Buckley, said: "Recently, older cars have been targeted in Halton because they have less security measures fitted to them.

"Make sure the door locks and windows operate well and, if fitted, that quarter-lights are shut. Remember that the smallest of gaps give a thief a way in."

Runcorn has seen older cars being towed or pushed away by fake removal men.

The head of Widnes' vehicle crime squad, Sgt Dave Birch, said: "We have had a trend of vehicles being stolen after their keys were left in them. Vehicles were also targeted around Cronton Lane."

He warned people in the area to pay attention to security after thefts on Cronton Lane and reminded visitors to Hale Lighthouse not to leave valuables in their parked cars after a series of break-ins last summer.

Mr Buckley added: "I would advise motorists to consider fitting a tilt sensor that will activate in the event of someone trying to steal your wheels and tyres, in particular vehicles fitted with aluminium wheels."

Additional Information on vehicle safety is available from Phil Buckley on 01244-613971 or by writing to him at Runcorn police station.