GET up and go mums have launched their very own support group.

Mums4mums gives Windmill Hill mothers a chance to get together once a week to chat, share ideas and help each other.

They've secured funding for educational toys and are running a series of 'health and wellbeing' workshops throughout the summer.

Founder mum and treasurer, Kerry Newall, said: "It's a support group for local families.

"It's socialising and networking. We take it in turns to mind the children."

Every mum has been given a 'help tree' with members' names and numbers, to keep beside the phone.

"If we need anything in an emergency, we can contact each other," said mother-of-two Kerry.

"If, for example, one of your children has to go to hospital, you can call a friend to look after your other child."

A dentist chatted to the children last week about healthy teeth.

Youngsters have also planted their own vegetable garden and will have visits from the police road safety officers and firefighters in the coming weeks.

"We are focussing on safety and personal hygiene but making it fun," said Kerry.

"Last year, we did basic first aid, line dancing and cookery."

Chairperson Suzanne Edwards, secretary Kerry Marlow and several other mums set up the group.

New members are always welcome.

The mums meet every Thursday from 9.30am to 11.30am in Priory View House.