THE daughter of a woman whose tenants' group fought drug problems on her Runcorn estate was threatened with rape.

A handwritten note delivered to the Castle Rise woman's home said her four-year-old would be attacked if she didn't stand down.

The woman, aged 34, said: "I have had threats before but I can't not take this one seriously when they are saying something as sick as that - it's time to stand back a bit."

The group - called the Castle Rise Tenants and Residents Association - had got off to a good start but had began to 'fizzle out' when the rape threat was made and the group folded.

The woman is now calling for a tougher policy on problem tenants.

"I feel the council is letting them get away with it," she said.

"The police were smashing, and some of the councillors were really good, but they can't do everything."

Castle Rise residents say new younger tenants with links to drugs get moved in next to families and elderly residents and that they don't appear to be vetted for suitability.

"I feel a blind eye has been turned for a long time," said the woman.

Halton Council says it can only evict tenants for drug offences committed on the estate and that new tenants are questioned about previous offences before being considered for housing.

But under the housing act, the council has to comply with current legislation with regards to new tenants.

A spokesman said: "The Drug Action Team and Community Safety Partnership have been informed of the lady's concerns and would be more than happy to meet with her to discuss any issues further."