CHURCH-goers in Westy and Latchford are getting ready to bid a fond farewell to two popular priests who are moving on to pastures new.

Father Roger Clarke, of St Augustine's, and Father Stephen Dwyer, of Our Lady's RC Church, will be leaving at the end of the month.

Father Dwyer and his King Charles Spaniel, Ryan Giggs, will be heading to St Joseph's parish in Winsford while Father Clarke is returning to a Mission in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Father Dwyer told the Guardian: "I shall very much miss the people of Latchford who have been extremely kind to me. I have really enjoyed working here with them.

"It has been great fun this past six years and I am very sad to be leaving. And the dog is devastated to be moving as well!"

Latchford councillor and Our Lady's regular, Maureen Creaghan, said: "People in the community are going to feel the loss of our lovely priest and his dog. He is a community man and quite dynamic."

The Mayor of Warrington, Clr Pauline Nelson, presented the priest with a framed picture of the Town Hall gates at his leaving party on Friday, as a thank-you for his hard work in the area.

Father Clarke also said that he is sorry to be leaving his parishioners but that he is very confident in the man who is going to replace him.

"You leave with good heart when you know that the person coming in to take your place is so good," he said.

The new parish priest, Father Peter Montgomery, will take over at the end of August.

The double reassignment comes as the parishes of St Augustine's in Westy and Our Lady's in Latchford become amalgamated. Residents are hoping a new church will be built for both communities to use but concrete arrangements have still not been made.

It is expected that the 100-year-old Our Lady's Church will be knocked down as repairs to the roof are estimated to cost £200,000.