FINE fragrances and food flavourings could soon be produced from exotic herbs and spices in a revolutionary process, invented in Runcorn.

Scientists have become the first in the world to discover a pioneering method of extracting unique properties from expensive raw materials like jasmine and vanilla.

Using an exclusive solvent, they extract just three per cent through a filter system, like a tea bag.

Ineos Fluor now wants to test the market and develop their fledging Xentia extraction process at The Heath. To sell their product, they need general industrial planning consent.

Fifty residents fear the mini manufacturing plant could become the thin end of the wedge and have objected.

Councillors deferred making a decision on Monday evening to give residents a chance to view the proposed production rig.

Protestor Mike Price, said: "Residents want this plant moved to the Ineos works at Rocksavage. It should not be introduced into an area where there are many families, schools, a crche and recreational amenities."

Helen Atkinson, Ineos communications officer, said: "We totally understand residents' concerns but feel the issue has got a bit clouded."

She said: "This is very small scale. Residents are welcome to come and have a look. We want to stay here because our scientists are experts, the best in the world working with this solvent."

Bob Moore, technical services director of SOG Limited, owners of The Heath, said: "This is absolutely pure, a totally environmentally friendly process. We have nearly 90 businesses here, bringing in over 1,000 jobs. We are not going to do anything that jeopardises our success. We are part of the community."