I WAS extremely pleased when I heard and then read in your newspaper that the St Helens North MP Dave Watts was offered and accepted the role of Parliamentary Private Secretary to Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott.

In the near future we will all have an important decision to make when we are asked for our views on a possible North West Regional Assembly. Clearly there are many arguments for and against and it is reassuring to know that Dave will be there to put the best case for St Helens and the North West.

Unlike centralised control, devolution could allow, as in Scotland and Wales, different approaches to services such as social services, education and transport. These local services can develop their own qualities and priorities reflecting local and regional aspirations and needs. This contrasts with the present situation where the starkest differences in public services often occur between deprived and affluent localities. With regional government the differences will be between equally good, but possible different public services.

Well done Dave and good luck.

GEOFF Almond (via e-mail)