I WAS interested and saddened to read your report about the gang of bogus callers who attempted to steal money from an older lady in Prescot Road last week (Star, August 14). Such cruel attacks on our older population in their own homes by these despicable criminals are unacceptable by any standards.

When dealing with an unexpected visitor, Help the Aged urges older people to make sure all outer doors are locked and to always put the door chain on and look out of the window or spy hole to see who is calling before opening the door.

Always ask for proof of identification and do not be afraid to phone the company or organisation the caller says they are from to check their validity (obtaining the number from a separate source, rather than taking it from the proffered ID card). Genuine callers will not mind waiting for you to do that. Do not let anyone enter your home until you are satisfied that the reason for calling is legitimate.

Help the Aged provides SeniorLink - its Immediate Response Service - to over 7,000 older people across the country. SeniorLink is designed to bring peace of mind to older people, helping them to continue to lead an independent life in their own home. At the press of a button, the client is immediately connected to the SeniorLink response centre, which operates 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year to answer any need, whether they require emergency assistance, need reassurance or simply want to chat. SeniorLink can be purchased, and there are a number of free units available to people meeting charitable criteria. A monitoring and maintenance fee of £1.50 per week applies for all unit holders.

If anyone is interested in finding out more or applying for SeniorLink, may I invite them to call 01255 473999 for an application pack. It could be of great benefit to your older readers who are worried about maintaining their independence and personal safety at home.

A free SeniorLink Immediate Response unit is available to any local person who meets the following criteria:

You are in receipt of a Basic State pension

You do not pay income tax

Your assets do not exceed £16,000 (including shares, bonds etc, but excluding the value of your home)

You are able to provide names of two people who are willing to act as key holders and can come to your assistance within 30 minutes should they be needed.

You or your family are able to pay a £1.50 monitoring and maintenance fee per week

LYSA Ralph, National Senior Safety Manager, Help the Aged, London