THE multi-million pound regeneration of one of Warrington's most high- profile buildings has begun with a hands-on ceremony, writes Gareth Dunning

The £4 million flagship project to create the Warrington Community Resource Centre has been years in the planning but a ceremony on Tuesday marked the official start of building work at the Sankey Street centre, the former home of the Warrington Guardian.

The project will bring many of Warrington's voluntary, charitable and community organisations under one roof when it opens next year.

And on Tuesday representatives of some of the groups and Mayor Clr Pauline Nelson painted their hands and left their prints on a large canvas which will be displayed when the centre opens.

Alan Kemp, chief executive of Warrington Housing Association which is funding the project, said: "This is a very exciting time for all the organisations involved in the WCRC.

"We are another step closer to achieving our goal of providing a 'one-stop shop', which will provide a single source of support, help and advice to the local community and make a real difference to the people of Warrington."

Harry Fairclough (Construction) Ltd will carry out the refurbishment work which includes giving the centre a new roof and external appearance, as well as the installation of a mezzanine floor, wheelchair access, lifts to all floors, a new reception area, meeting rooms and offices, a new front entrance and a landscaped courtyard.

Among the initial tenants of the building will be the Citizens' Advice Bureau, Youth Advice Shop, Age Concern, the Law Centre and the Council for Voluntary Service while another 60 groups have expressed interest in using the facilities.