SUNDAY will remain a day of rest for neighbours of the giant Risley landfill site after planners threw out plans for extra opening hours there.

Owner Biffa Waste has fallen behind with remedial works at the Silver Lane site, councillors heard last week.

So it wants permission to work until 8pm on weekdays, an additional four hours on Saturdays and begin Sunday operations.

Landfill bosses insist only work to fit and weld a lining to the site would take place on Sundays.

But Birchwood East councillors Dave Eccles and Paul Ross echoed neighbours' concerns about noise, extra traffic and scavenging birds.

They insisted councillors should discuss the matter - previously planning officers were set to make the decision under delegated powers.

Clr Albert Clemow argued Sundays should be left sacrosanct. He said: "Residents should have a day off a week."

Councillors were also concerned that Biffa wanted the permission to last until October 2008.

If Biffa was still in difficulties, in future, it could reapply for extra hours and the matter could be considered again, added Clr Clemow.

Development control officer Michael Davies said the main constraint faced by Biffa was adverse weather, as the lining could not be fitted in wet, windy or freezing conditions.

The operator had fallen behind with work on the lining, leading to the current application, he added.

In the end, additional operations were allowed, as applied for, on weekdays and Saturdays.

But councillors rejected proposals for Sunday working - and even on bank holidays. That permission lasts until 2005 - not 2008 as requested.