A PIECE of Winwick history has been brought back to life, thanks to canal enthusiasts.

Members of the Sankey Canal Restoration Society (SCARS) discovered the remains of the old lock keeper's cottage at Hulme Lock, on the route of the St Helens Canal.

Colin Greenall, of SCARS, explained: "The site was just grass and brambles, but we found the outline of the walls and found a bit of the floor.

"All the walls were decayed, so we rebuilt them using old bricks, then we topped it off with blue engineer bricks."

The workers were also able to get hold of the original nameplate for the house, which has been placed in the retaining wall built by members of SCARS.

Mr Greenall said: "Now we really want to get money together to have an interpretation board put there so that people walking by can find out about the site."

If you would like to find out more about SCARS and its future projects, contact Mr Greenall on 01744 731746.