A WOMAN from Bewsey has told the Guardian of her shock at finding a dead worm in the egg noodles she was eating for her dinner.

Mrs Stacey Monks, aged 25, of Molyneux Avenue, had cooked some Asda brand egg noodles and was tucking into them when she found the worm.

Mrs Monks, who is eight weeks pregnant, had to run to the bathroom to be sick when she saw the dead creature in her food.

"I had actually cooked them and was eating them," she said. "It's making me feel ill just thinking about it. I had to go to the toilet to be sick - I was gagging."

Mrs Monks then rang Asda's head office, which told her to take the item back to the Cockhedge store, where she had bought it.

But Mrs Monks was very annoyed that the company did not offer her an apology at that time.

She added: "I got no apology. All they said was 'take it back to the store where you bought it'. I am pregnant and now I have got to make a doctors appointment to get myself checked out. I don't know whether it's laid its eggs or not."

A spokesman for Asda apologised for the incident, and said that as soon as Mrs Monks takes the noodles and the worm back to the store, the matter can be investigated properly.

He said: "We take matters like this extremely seriously and would ask Mrs Monks to return the packet of noodles with the original packaging to the store immediately, so that we can launch an immediate investigation.

"Clearly our expert technologists need to establish what the item is, and investigate at what point it found its way into the noodle product."