POLICE have released an e-fit picture of a thug wanted for assaulting a man who was injured during a racially motivated gang attack in Longford.

The incident happened at 10pm on Monday, when a red car pulled up alongside a 25-year-old Warrington man, at the junction of Gough Avenue and Achilles Avenue.

The victim was called over, then the driver of the car got out and confronted him. The man was grabbed by the hair, pulled to the ground and kicked repeatedly about his body.

Three more men got out of the car and joined in kicking their victim. During the attack, the victim was verbally abused with racist comments. His wallet fell out of his back pocket and was stolen by the gang.

The attackers are white, aged in their late 20s - apart from one man who appeared around 18 or 19 - slim, with short, possibly shaven, hair. The driver wore a white T-shirt, royal blue baggy shorts and white Adidas trainers.

The attackers all spoke with Liverpool accents. The car was a red, metallic, four-door Fiat Punto.

Anyone with information should contact PC Emma Horridge on 652222.