A LYMM woman has received the 'gift of life' from her brother.

Peter Cotterill, aged 36, of New Mills, donated a kidney to his sister, Joanne Arada, aged 31, of Mardale Crescent, at the Royal Liverpool Hospital last Thursday.

Joanne began suffering with high blood pressure back in 1992, and gave birth to a stillborn baby due to the condition. When her daughter Leila was born prematurely eight years ago, she had to spend time in a neo-natal unit.

But it wasn't until 1999 that blood tests pinpointed her chronic renal problem.

Joanne's care was transferred to the Royal Liverpool Hospital and she was told that her kidney would not survive six months.

But nephrologist Dr Peter Williams stabilised her and she led a normal life against the odds for another four years until she started dialysis six weeks ago, before having the transplant operation.

Joanne's brothers were all prepared to donate a kidney, but tests showed that while Paul was a 50 per cent match and David a 75 per cent match, Peter, who is partially sighted, was perfect.

Peter said: "I knew it was going to be me, as we are so alike. As soon as I found out it did not faze me in any way. I am her brother and it is one of those things - you have to help your family."

Something the pair do disagree on is football, and when Manchester United fan Peter discovered that hormones could be passed through the kidney operation, there were hopes that Liverpool fan Joanne may change her allegiance.

Peter said: "Joanne was always a Manchester United fan until she met her husband, and she worried that I might pass the Manchester United hormones back to her!

"Going for the operation was the longest time I've ever spent in Liverpool in my life. I went there in my Manchester United top and everyone said I was daring."

Peter has now been discharged from hospital, while Joanne is still recovering there.

Joanne said: "Peter gave me a get well card, and I have given him a thank you card to say thank you for giving me my life back."

Joanne's husband Farid, aged 40, said: "The family is very close and when it came to the crunch they have shown that they are prepared to sacrifice everything for each other."

Joanne added: "There is a shortage of donors on the list. I am one of the lucky ones.

"I want to thank the community in Lymm for getting behind me. There has been so much support in the village. And thank you to the surgeon and his team for everything."