SUSPECTED illegal immigrants were found at a motorway service area near Lymm after being reported to police by an eagle-eyed trucker.

The lorry driver had stopped at the Poplar 2000 Truck Stop when he apparently noticed suspicious activity around his vehicle.

Eyewitnesses say that around half a dozen police cars were dispatched to the services to deal with the incident, at around 4.45pm on Wednesday last week.

Police have confirmed that two adults and two teenagers, who are believed to be from Afghanistan and suspected to be illegal immigrants, were detained.

All four were handed over to the Immigration Service for questioning.

A Cheshire Police spokesman said that the lorry was believed to have entered the country at Immingham Dock, in north east Lincolnshire.

Last night, Wednesday, a Home Office spokesman confirmed that the four Afghan nationals, who have been served with illegal entry papers, are now claiming asylum.

In August 2002, 15 suspected illegal immigrants, this time thought to be Iraqi nationals, were also detained at the same services, and a family of seven stowaways was discovered there in April 2000.