TALENTED inmates at Risley Prison have handed over months of their time to St Rocco's Hospice in the form of a collection of handcrafted models.

Shane Ianson and Michael Molyneux crafted models of the Titanic, a Samurai sword, an aeroplane, a motor bike trike and two sets of darts out of random waste materials found in the prison.

Using items like matches, toilet roll centres, an old prison locker, tissue boxes and wire and imagination the works of art are now on display in the window of the St Rocco's Longford Street shop.

Shane wrote to the hospice: "I'd like to donate these models to be raffled or auctioned. I've got a lot of time left to do so there will be more. I hope the money helps out. The last boat I made raised £560 for handicapped children. That was called the Lucatania. The Titanic is twice as big and twice as good and there's not another in the world."