RAMPAGING hooligans have smashed up a bus shelter on Common Road, Newton, in an act of wanton vandalism.

The lawless yobs struck late last week, smashing all the glass. But now the shelter has been reglazed, residents are sceptical about how long it will last before vandals strike again. Just three weeks ago two new bus shelters were fitted further along the road, which is a busy bus route. But although the prospects of more shelters were welcomed, public transport users voiced concerns about their immunity from vandals.

Clr Leon McGuire, of St Helens Council, said: "People wanted the new shelters but at the same time they were wary of them attracting more youths late at night. These new ones should hopefully solve that problem. While they will protect against bad weather, they aren't fitted with seats."

He added: "It's the taxpayers who are paying for these repairs. I'm not sure what the answer is. The shelters are an absolute necessity but at the moment they are just being abused."

A new shelter has also been installed on Market Square, which was popular among residents who, working alongside ward councillors, helped secure the move.

Newton west councillor Sandra Banawich said: "It's very frustrating to see this sort of damage caused by mindless yobs but we are determined they will not win in the end. We have contacted Merseytravel and urge residents to call police if they see people vandalising bus shelters."