THE Combination's three divisions composed of 41 teams, starts its 2003-4 campaign this next Saturday, August 23.

With several teams already getting into first gear with friendly and practice matches it could be an interesting first Saturday.

Teams that could catch the eye, with a vast changeover of talented players, include Premier Division Champions, Penlake Juniors who have had County Combination opposition to test them. Sidac Social FC, with a strong summer recruitment programme having taken place and Pilkingtons A side with a similar drive in anticipation.

New clubs include a reserve outfit for Market Place in Division Two, along with Lingley FC, also in that division; Glassmakers FC hope to impress, while Carrs Hotel from Prescot are willing to try and emulate fellow area stalwarts Child FC - ex DJ Motors.

Two ex-Sunday Division clubs have decided to give it a go on Saturday - namely Springfield, now under the title of (West Park) Eccy Arms and Sony QA FC. Bowling Green FC are now called Bull & Dog, while Windledon have taken over the title of Gerard Arms FC (not entirely unexpected).

Orange House FC is the new title of Ex Lingholme FC, and the New Street Community Club also join Division Two. There will also be a new side, playing out of the Windle Hotel - appropriately named, The Hotel FC.

Finally, another resurrected name of the past, British Lion joins Division One.

A very testing time for fixture secretary, Bill Roberts as the Council pitch saga has certainly caused problems, but all teams have now been allocated pitches if not dressing rooms.

All home sides are again reminded that chairman Eric Bond will once again be taking all results - e.g. by 6pm Saturdays and by 9.30pm in midweek.


There are several postponements at the weekend, as there are in midweek.

These are due to pitches being unavailable e.g. Ruskin Drive - cricket; Rainford North End - work on pitch.

This Saturday, Eric Bond will be unavailable, so clubs can ring their result to Rob Deakin on 01744 851406, thank you.

Saturday, August 23

Star Premier Division: York v Old Congs (D Deluce), Penlake Juniors v Clock Face Miners (G Strange), Eccleston United v Sidac Social (P Forrest), Billinge v Grosvenor Park (K Birch), Shoe v The Stars (J Blackburn).

Division One: Bull & Dog v Wheatsheaf (R Deakin), Carrs Hotel v Market Place (G O'Brien), British Lion v Junction (C Hulme), Clock Face Miners Reserves v Windle Labour Reserves (C Platt), Prescot Leisure Reserves v Gerard Arms (T Bell).

Division Two: Lingley v Smithy Manor (P Stevenson), Glassmakers v Sony (D Pilkington), Carborundum Eagles v Rainford North End Reserves (D Rose), Roundhouse v New Street (J Duffy), Billinge Colts v Moss Bank (N Hanmer), Market Place Reserves v Orange House (R Millar), Top Nogs v Grove United (S Clarke).

Tuesday, August 26

Star Premier Division: York v Shoe (N Hanmer), Penlake Juniors v Billinge (J Goodwin), Eccleston United v The Stars (C Hulme), Sidac Social v Grosvenor Park (C Platt), Clock Face Miners v Windle Labour (R Deakin), Child v Old Congs (D Forber).

Division One: Bull & Dog v Prescot Leisure Reserves (K Birch), Globe v Clock Face Miners Reserves (S Clarke), Carrs Hotel v British Lion (W Carlton), Market Place v Windle Labour Reserves (D Deluce).

Division Two: Lingley v Top Nogs (I Foxcroft), Glassmakers v Market Place Reserves (G Strange), Carborundum Eagles v Billinge Colts (M Cammack), Roundhouse v Grove United (B Teebay), New Street v Moss Bank (D Rose), Sony v Smithy Manor (T Bell).