IN response to your letter in which the reader asks if anyone can beat their record of a double fine for the same day, a lady I know was fined three times with a fine of £180, plus nine penalty points in the same day on Liverpool Road.

Last week I was also made to feel like a criminal by motoring at 38mph at 5.50am on a deserted road.

When going into the post office for a proof of postage slip I was told by the clerk that she had made 30 out for this area. I recollect that some years ago Sterling Moss always maintained that slow drivers were the cause of more accidents than anyone else.

I would like to suggest that the vast amount of revenue that is being generated from these cameras could be used by putting more police on patrol in order that they could apprehend the real criminals.

To all the over 30s club, remember that Big Brother is watching you.

M Hill, Halebank, Widnes