WHY are there no traffic wardens ever on duty in the Black Horse area of Widnes?

Could Cheshire Police and Halton Council's highways department explain why they put double yellows outside the shops on Cronton Lane?

I was nearly run over by a lorry because seven vehicles were double parked and two more were fully on the pavement.

They removed the lines from Norlands Lane, which is just a daytime car park now outside my home for local workers.

I have honestly never seen a patrolling warden or policeman on foot in this area in the 14 years I have lived in this house.

This flouting of the law by locals and passing drivers, who no one will challenge in their Jags and BMWs, is an every day and night occurrence.

If Cheshire Police are short of traffic wardens, give me the job for this area!

Graeme Taylor, via email