FARMERS blockaded Tesco's distribution depot in Middlewich in a peaceful protest over milk prices on Thursday.

And police, who were called to the scene to disperse the crowd, have said that unlawful protests will not be tolerated.

The farmers arrived outside the depot on Pochin Way at 9.15pm with the intention of blocking access in and out of the depot for Tesco's heavy goods vehicles.

After negotiations with the police, the protestors agreed to leave.

The action was organised by national group Farmers For Action (FFA) to highlight the milk crisis and the problems faced by farmers by what they term as inflated prices.

David Handley, secretary for FFA, said: "On July 1 this year Farmers For Action successfully obtained a two pence rise for all major retailers in milk prices.

"The processors that supply the retailers with the milk should pass the money made with this increase back to the producers.

"We were protesting on Thursday as there are a number of people who are not passing it back to the producers."

Claims that they are not getting a fair deal resulted in similar blockades by farmers at the depot in 2000 and 2002.

Mr Handley added: "In the first few weeks in September we are going to negotiate a winter price for all the suppliers and processors in this industry as we are still producing milk below the cost of production and we need to get it up there."

A spokesperson for Tesco's said: "We work hard with the farmers and the farming unions and British agriculture is our number one customer.


"We cannot determine the price paid to farmers but we have called consistently on the processors to pass back the recent price increases. All our milk is British including UHT and organic mill.

"The action that was taken has an adverse effect on supplying our customers with British produce."

Chief Superintendent Derek Barnett, head of uniform operations for Cheshire Constabulary, said: "Cheshire Police fully understand the concerns of the farming community and recognise their right to protest peacefully.

"However, this must be done in a lawful manner and we cannot allow large numbers of protestors to obstruct the highway and prevent people from undertaking legitimate and lawful business."