RESIDENTS from all over Winsford celebrated Trinity Methodist's annual field day on Saturday, helping to raise thousands of pound for the church.

The day got off to a colourful start with the traditional procession, which saw dancing troupes and carnival queens heading a retinue which wound its way along Ledward Street, School Road, Crook Lane, Station Road and on to the church field.

Winsford Town Mayor Nick Harris attended and performed the opening and crowning ceremonies. Amber Burrows was crowned Sunday school queen, Aimee Webb won the primary rose queen title, and Hannah Oakes scooped the fairy queen crown.

The Trinity Line Dancers, together with dancing troupes and a jazz band provided a full day's afternoon on the field, with a selection of stalls, sideshows and amusements for the children.

John Lomas, secretary for the field day, said: "Although the morning started off rather dull and drizzly, the afternoon brought out the sun - which in turn brought out the crowds.

"Overall the event went very well and was a great success. It provided yet another opportunity for members and friends to work hard together to ensure the day was a success.

"The church officials are most grateful to all those who helped in many ways and the whole event raised a marvellous total of £5,564, which included £128 raised in the collection boxes along our procession route.

"We also want to thank all the residents in the area for their support with the collection."