VANDALS engaged in a night of destructive mayhem in Over last week when they used false alarms to draw out and attack the emergency services.

A fire engine and an ambulance were pelted with bricks and stones in two separate incidents around Woodford Lane between Wednesday night and Thursday morning.

Winsford firefighters were the first to be attacked, after they responded to a call alleging that a car had been set alight at Woodford Lodge High School.

Leading firefighter Paul Sullivan said his crew rushed to the scene, only to be ambushed by a gang of stone-throwing youths.

He said: "Just before midnight we were called out to the school with a report of a car on fire, which turned out to be malicious - there was no car.

"As we came into the school they came at us and straight away we had a brick through the window.

"It landed on a firefighter's arm and we all ended up covered in glass.

"And it wasn't just us - there were two workmen there in a caravan who are working on a refurbishment and their caravan was being pelted as well.

"It was very frightening and we absolutely condemn this kind of behaviour."

Brian Roberts, sector inspector for Winsford and Tarporley's community action team, said: "I have deployed extra high visibility patrols in that area and there has not been a repeat of the incident.

"We do have the tape recordings of the offenders in this matter and I am treating this matter very seriously.

"I am sure the community of Winsford are as appalled as I am at this behaviour and the potential danger to emergency service staff."