It will see £12m of money from the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund being spent on tackling health standards, job opportunities, urban renewal, poverty and promoting safe neighbourhoods.

The plan was drawn up by Halton Strategic Partnership, chaired by the leader of Halton Council, Cllr Tony McDermott.

He said: "These priorities for improving the borough are important to us and we are doing our utmost to realise them for the people of Halton."

Typical projects will include promoting healthy eating in schools, developing the town centres, helping schemes like Halton People Into Jobs, providing a free public transport planning service and funding community wardens.

Strategic partnerships have been set up in every district in England to bring together the public, private, community and voluntary sectors to regenerate deprived areas.

The 88 most deprived districts, including Halton, receive special funding from the Government to help achieve this with money from the Neighbourhood Renewal fund.

The £12m will be spent over the next three years following consultation with the public.

Each of Halton's seven neighbourhood forums has produced a local strategy for action on problem in their area.

The actions in the plans will be monitored throughout the year and progress reported to the partnership board.