IN response to the letter published in the edition dated August 13 as Sector Inspector for Northwich and Frodsham I feel that I must point out the following.

Prior to December 2002, I attended a number of local meetings where one of the main concerns was the time taken to contact the police. I am pleased to say that since the move to our call-handling centre in that month, this performance has improved greatly.

This fact is reflected in the positive comments that have been received at subsequent public meetings, and the fall in complaints relating to call handling.

Officers follow up all crime incidents until every possible action has been completed in an effort to detect the crime. The crime reporting system is computerised and designed to ensure that supervisors check and task the work of officers. This process is subject to review from departments within and from outside the force to ensure compliance.

Officers do not have a liberal attitude to offenders, offenders are arrested and placed before the courts, whose task it is to judge and punish.

The Cheshire Police would also encourage members of the public to report all incidents.

This would assist us with our continued efforts in placing resources where they are best needed. If we do not know there is a problem, how are we supposed to tackle it? I have been to many parish and sector meetings where members of the public have reported incidents to me that are not reflected in our records. Hence we have taken no action.


The introduction of National Crime Recording Standards has ensured that the best reflection possible is given in relation to crime figures.

Officers are actively encouraged to record crimes where there is evidence on the balance of probabilities that one has been committed. To ensure that this is done, incident reports are checked against crime reports to ensure compliance. This process is also subject to review from departments within and from outside the force to ensure compliance.

If any residents of the division feel that we are not providing them with the level of service that they require, I would encourage them to let us know.

The best means of achieving this would be via our sector meetings, the next one for this area is on the September 9 at Weaverham High School at 7pm; or alternatively the public forums which are held every quarter at venues throughout the division and advertised in the local press.