AN angry Runcorn couple are refusing to pay for a wasps nest to be removed.

Joseph and Margaret Stuart both returned from spells in Halton Hospital to find two wasps nests above their home on Quadrant Close, Murdishaw.

They found Halton Council would charge £21.73 for call-out to remove the nest.

Joseph, 74, said: "We are only pensioners and we are just about managing to get by, so I don't see why we should have to pay that much money.

"If I knocked a couple of bricks down to get at the queen I would be in trouble for destroying my property."

A Halton Council spokesperson, said: "This is a set charge - which has not been increased for the last three years - which everyone must pay.

"We do not have concessions for the elderly, or any other groups.

"We have spoken to Mr Stuart about the problem and even offered to send out a council officer to collect the money, to save him from making a trip."

Mr Stuart added: "We can't even open the back windows. The gardener's just managed to do the garden, but at the end of they day they got stung.

"I don't see why we should pay, this is a health hazard. At one time it was free and as far as I am concerned it still should be."