A FLASHER was found with indecent images of young girls on his computer, including one featuring a dog, a court has heard.

Jonathon Williams, 37 of Clutton in Chester, exposed himself to three pre-teenage girls in a car park outside the Aldi supermarket, Trident Retail Park, in Runcorn.

Police seized his computer and found more than 500 indecent images.

Simon Hornby, prosecuting, told Warrington Crown Court last Friday that some of the images involved young girls with adults, and one included the dog.

Williams initially told police he had downloaded the pictures accidentally and that he had been putting cream on a rash rather than deliberately exposing himself to the girls.

But, in court, his defence said he now admitted this was untrue.

The court heard Williams had recently married a Filipino woman and that he went with her to Australia when he was on bail for the charges.

Defence counsel, Tom Eaton, said Williams had already planned the trip before he was charged, but he was arrested by Australian police and brought back to Britain.

He pleaded guilty to three counts of exposing himself and eight counts of possessing indecent images on his computer.

Mr Eaton said Williams was 'deeply ashamed' of his crimes, and that a doctors report showed his actions might have revealed a need to be caught.

He said: "That goes some way to explaining why a respectable, well qualified man with no previous convictions and a good job should find himself in this position."

Mr Eaton said Williams' wife and her son intend to fly over from the Philippines to be with him.

Judge David Hale sentenced Williams to 20 months in prison and ordered him to sign the sex offenders register for the next 10 years.