VALE Royal Borough Council's planning committee has refused to allow Airwave mmO2 to install a controversial TETRA mast on Cuddington Water Tower.

The application was refused, last night, Tuesday, on the grounds that it provided a heath and safety risk to local residents and involved a loss of visual amenity. The decision has delighted the residents of Delamere Park and Cuddington who have campaigned hard against the mast.

However, the mast remains controversial because mmO2, which is commissioned by the Home Office to enhance police communications, has already installed a temporary mast on Gorstage Hall Farm.

This is despite VRBC's refusal to give it permission in January. This has been done using so called 'emergency powers' that have enabled mmO2 to bypass VRBC.

If last night's application had followed the council officers recommendation and been accepted, the temporary mast would have been moved.

For detailed reaction and more details about the implications of the decision see next week's Northwich Guardian.